Revising and Proofreading 

The difference between revising and proofreading

When working with texts, many different aspects are involved.



Revision is done on a translated text (bilingual review).

Making use of both the source text and the translated one, it ensures the translation’s accuracy, completeness and logic.

On the linguistic plain, a reviser checks for smoothness, tailoring, sublanguage, idioms and mechanics of the translation. A major aspect of revision is ensuring pertinence of terminology and of register: This will guarantee the accuracy of the message and it will make sure that it will reach the intended audience.

Presentation is also an important aspect revision deals with: Layout, typography and organisation are systematically checked.

Revision always occurs after finishing a rough draft of the translation and it must be done prior to proofreading.





Proofreading is carried out on the final version of a (translated) document.

It deals with correcting punctuation, grammatical and typing errors. It also deals with checking whether the structure of the text is uniform or not.

Consequently, proofreading does not deal with major corrections like style or terminology proofing.

Sources: Brian Mossop, Editing and Revising for Translators, 2. edition, 2010, St Jerome Publishing, Manchester.


Translating, revising or proofreading?

Sometimes it is difficult for the client to evaluate which of the proposed options is the more appropriate for his or her own aim.

Moreover, revising some poor translations can be more time-consuming than simply translating the text entirely. In that case, it is more convenient and cost-efficient to request a full (re-)translation than a revision, for both the client and the translator.

If you are not sure what you need, just get in touch and I will be happy to help you!


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