

My path - Summary

Medicine, Research and Technique


My career started with a paramedic and scientific training: I graduated in Medical Technology at a Superior School of Health in Switzerland and I worked in this field during a period of 13 years, both in diagnostics and in research.

After a break of 5 years of training and work in the psycho-social field (art-therapy), I chose to re-enter the medical-scientific domain and to specialize in clinical research. I then obtained a CAS in Clinical Research (CTC) & Ethics. From 2014 to 2019, I have worked part-time as a Clinical Research Coordinator in the Hepatitis C sector.

For some years now, I have been a member of the Medi-Lab working group, a German-speaking working association of Med-Tech professionals acting in Switzerland and Germany. I am registered there as an individual and as a company.

All these experiences and knowledge are very useful in my activity as a translator and they represent a real added value to my work.


Languages and translation

Passionate about languages and linguistics ever since I was a child, I started with a “classical” education. Afterwards, I undertook an in-depth study of the English, the Italian, the French and the German languages, as well as of general and applied linguistics.

I turned into a translator following a very intense and non-typical path. I underwent training simultaneously with my professional activity: To manage this double workload, I chose to attend only a part of the para-university classes (i.e. Translation Techniques and Text Analysis), which allowed me to acquire an excellent base knowledge. I learned the rest by self-teaching and by having private lessons with very competent, experienced and inspiring translators (owner of an university degree).

I am a born-and-bred Swiss: As an Italian native speaker (bilingual French), I grew up in an Italian speaking area, where I spent the first 23 years of my life, attending basic education and obtaining a federal High School diploma (Swiss Maturity).

I then moved to the German part of Switzerland, where I lived for 18 years, working and studying. Finally, I have “landed” in a francophone and cosmopolitan reality (Geneva) where, amongst others, I had the opportunity to practice and improve my English.

Today, I live between Switzerland and France.

My A-languages are Italian and French. English and German are B-languages (on a C1 and C2-level, respectively). Moreover, I am fluent in Swiss-German.

I have been a translator since 1999, by vocation and by passion. I translate from English, French and German > into Italian and into French. For those two last languages, I also do proof-reading and Medical Content Writing.

Over the years, I have contributed to the writing of smoothly-flowing, clear and pertinent texts on a high stylistic level and impeccable in content, for national and international companies.

I am very proud of this and at the same time I never stop improving, as high-quality work is very important to me at the core of my heart.

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