
BD 127


05/11/2024 Francesca Perozziello (allieva corsi di traduzione medica)

Ho avuto il piacere di frequentare alcuni corsi di Lorenza in ambito medico e biomedico.

Sono veramente soddisfatta del percorso formativo iniziato insieme a lei, composto sia da lezioni teoriche sia da esercitazioni pratiche. La parte pratica, in particolare, risulta molto piacevole grazie al metodo didattico di Lorenza: è impossibile annoiarsi con lei, anche quando il lessico è ostico e le nozioni da apprendere sono numerose.

I suoi corsi si sono rivelati utilissimi per me, dato che mi hanno permesso di affrontare con più serenità i contenuti medici presenti nelle serie TV e nei film che traduco. Senza i suoi consigli sulle fonti e senza la necessaria preparazione, infatti, avrei buttato via intere ore a cercare la terminologia adeguata (per poi non trovarla).

NOTA IMPORTANTE: i suoi corsi hanno il grande pregio di rivolgersi a professionisti e a chiunque ambisca a una padronanza delle tecniche di traduzione medica di livello elevato. Grazie all'esperienza diretta di Lorenza come traduttrice e formatrice scientifica, questi corsi non sono semplici infarinature, ma veri e propri percorsi di perfezionamento! Se siete alla ricerca di un percorso formativo completo e professionale nel campo della traduzione medica e tecnico-scientifica, questi corsi sono consigliatissimi.

24/01/2024 Gianni Giacomini (expert examiner in Bioanalytics)

Lorenza is an experienced and highly professional (bio-) medical translator with a strong Med-Tech background, which definitely made the difference in the translation assignment we (KHM and myself) entrusted her.

The project was about a complete laboratory slide set (11 presentations) intended as a course material for physicians who aim at obtaining the Swiss certificate “Diagnostic Laboratory for Clinical practitioners”. She even suggested some relevant content corrections in the original document, which we then implemented.

The contents of the course were: hygiene, analytical methods (laboratory for clinical diagnostics), pre- and post-analytics, quality control, immunoassays, statistics and legal aspects.

Thanks to her professionalism, she made an excellent translation from German to Italian. I would recommend Lorenza's translation services and her biomedical courses for translators without any doubt.

05/02/2023 Monika Obrist (Med. Fachübersetzungen)

Sehr gerne empfehle ich die Zusammenarbeit mit Lorenza Oprandi für medizinische, bioethische und administrative Fachübersetzungen Deutsch>Französisch und Deutsch>Italienisch für ein Schweizerisches Fachpublikum.

Frau Oprandis Expertise ermöglicht, anspruchsvolle Texte der Fachgebiete Medizin/Ethik exzellent in allen drei Sprachversionen zu harmonisieren. Sie pflegt die Details und macht uns auf sprachliche Feinheiten aufmerksam.

Wir pflegen einen sehr fruchtbaren Dialog mit Frau Oprandi, es ist eine tolle, bereichernde Zusammenarbeit mit ihr!

Monika Obrist, Co-Geschäftsleiterin ACP-Swiss (Advance Care Planning)

26/10/2022 Tobias Hamann (Medical Content Writing)

Lorenza Oprandi wrote a 4 page article in French for the customer magazine Xtra from Sysmex, which we (Hopp und Frenz Communication) produce.

She got a transcript of an interview (French Suisse) with the topics medical technology and transfusion medicine and made an article out of it.

She researched further information which was not included in the original interview. Before writing Lorenza ensured that the genre and the style fits to the targeted audience. Lorenza always responed quickly, delivered on time.

The customer Sysmex and also the portrayed persons were very pleased with the article. We would highly recommend Lorenza.

18/12/2020 Dr. Ulrich Wagner (Med. Fachübersetzungen)

Danke für Ihre herausragenden Übersetzungsdienste (Deutsch und Englisch ins Italienische und Französische) und für die unkomplizierte Zusammenarbeit!

Ulrich Wagner, Prof. Dr. PH, MPA, Direktor NICER (National Institute for Cancer Epidemiology and Research) und Nationale Krebsregistrierungsstelle (NKRS), Zürich

29/03/2020 Daniela Trif (Medical & Pharma Translations)

I have been collaborating with Mrs Oprandi from Medical Pharma Translation for more than 2 years now (since 2018).

She translates and proof-reads for us many complex medical texts in the field of oncology from German and English into French and sometimes also from French and English into German.

Throughout our collaboration period she has always delivered impeccable work that exceeded my expectations.

In addition to her work being of consistently high quality, she is very professional, communicates clearly and promptly. She always accommodates my requested delivery time-frames and her attention to details is very much appreciated.

I would recommend Mrs Oprandi to anyone looking for a 5-star translator specialized in medical and pharmaceutical field. It's a pleasure to work with her.

I am looking forward to continuing to work with Mrs Oprandi in the future.

(Daniela Trif, Product Manager Oncology, Vifor Pharma Ltd., CH-1752 Villars-sur-Glâne)

23/12/2019 Dagmar Kesseler (Med. Fachübersetzungen)

Frau Oprandi von Medical Pharma Translation übersetzt seit 2013 für das CSCQ Texte vom Deutschen ins Italienische.

Es handelt sich um wissenschaftliche Kommentare, die unsere Ringversuchsberichte begleiten.

Wir sind sehr mit ihrer Arbeit zufrieden, die ausserdem immer sehr rasch durchgeführt wird, und können ihre Dienstleistungen nur weiterempfehlen.

(Dagmar Kesseler, FAMH clinical chemistry, Director CSCQ - Swiss Centre for Quality Control, CH-1225 Chêne-Bourg Switzerland)

17/12/2019 Dagmar Kesseler

Madame Oprandi de Medical Pharma Translation traduit des textes du français vers l'italien depuis 2013 pour le CSCQ.

Il s'agit de commentaires scientifiques qui accompagnent nos rapports d'essais interlaboratoires.

Nous sommes extrêmement satisfaits de son travail qui, par ailleurs, est toujours effectué très rapidement. Nous ne pouvons que recommander ses services.

(Dagmar Kesseler, FAMH clinical chemistry, Director CSCQ - Swiss Centre for Quality Control, CH-1225 Chêne-Bourg Switzerland)

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